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Lunam Love Subscription Box




You have spent lifetime's not being in your full power. We all have, but it tt is time to unlock more of it and OWN IT!
If you love our Bad B$tch, I Have Arrived, Limitless, Dark Feminine, King and Queen collection, you will LOVE this box.  
And I want to do something fun for this box.
There will be 3 Winners!
3 of you will get full access to the LIMITLESS MIND, 5-Week Program!
If you are already part of the Limitless Mind, I have something special in store for you!
How to enter raffle?
If you are already subscribed, you are already in.
If you buy the single-box option, you are also in!


What makes subscription boxes fun!

Each box is a surprise, and it feels like you are receiving a gift in the mail. You open it with anticipation. I build every box with items I would love to receive in the mail, and I make sure I outdo myself every time! I spend hours meditating and planning before any item gets ordered or goes into production.

Exact contents are not revealed beforehand. I craft the items according to the energies we are experiencing. See photos of past boxes for examples of different items I have included in previous boxes.

6 Boxes a Year

We release a box every other month. That is 6 boxes a year, and each box will have a different theme which will be announced.

Each box will have a NEW release as well as some other products that are not yet offered in the shop. Box subscribers will be the first to receive the new items!

FREE SHIPPING within the US!

*If you are an international customer, please email us at kelly@lunamlove.com

What to expect in your box:

Exact contents are not revealed. It is surprise until you receive and open the box! You will be receiving a NEW candle release that is not yet available in my shop. Our box subscribers get it FIRST!

Each box will be different. Other items that MAY be included in the box:

-Ritual Kits

-Ritual Candles

-Ritual Oils

-Salt Scrubs


-Perfume or ritual oils





-Witch accessories

And more!

By purchasing a subscription box, you get all the items at discount.

Box $150+ value

Everything in the boxes are Vegan and Cruelty Free

Previous Boxes
***$100 subscription option. This is a subscription. A charge of $100 will occur every 2 months. There is 3-box commitment. A cancellation must be submitted to support@lunamlove.com. A cancellation form MUST
be submitted 7 days PRIOR to your next billing date. If you submit a cancellation request AFTER the 7 days notice, you will be billed for the box, no exceptions. There are no refunds once box has shipped and has been delivered By purchasing our box subscription, you adhere to these guidelines and understand the terms and conditions.